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Tourist Guide

Balekambang Beach

11 Apr 2017

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Balekambang Beach is one of the beautiful beaches and popular in Malang. This beach is located in the district Bantur, 65 km south of the city of Malang. Balekambang Beach unfolds beautifully and there are coral reefs along the 2 km and has a width of 200 meters towards the sea. On the beach there is a temple Balekambang make this beach is often called  Malang's Lot Land.

There are 3 islands are lined on the beach balekambang Ismoyo Island, Island and  Anoman Wisanggeni island. Right on Ismoyo island there is a magnificent temple called Pura Luhur Amertha Jati, to get to the temple there is a bridge, 100 meters from the beach.

If you get bored with the beach a tourist attraction can be traveled religious tomb of Syaikh Abdul Jalil on 1 Sha'ban, this character who first cleared the bases Balekambang coast.